Dr. Falk Wittel

Dr. Falk Wittel
Lecturer at the Department of Civil, Environmental and Geomatic Engineering
My research at ETH as senior scientist deals with discrete element simulations (DEM) of fracture and fragmentation of quasi brittle materials. Since my PhD I do extensions of the method, hybrid simulations with fluid and finite element solvers on material scales (composites, wood, clinker, ionic polymer gels, porous media, granular matter, concrete) and on larges scales (progressive building collapse, debris flow with impact, granular architecture).
An other important part of my work is devoted to constitutive modelling for engineering materials in continuum frameworks like ABAQUS. Examples are mechanism based failure and fracture in composite materials or advanced rheologic models for wood and hierarchic multi-scale models for spruce and their application to challenging problems in civil engineering.
I love problems, where from the complex systems dynamics, with multiple instabilites, new behavior or states emerge. Examples are my studies on fragmentation and fracture in heterogeneous matter, but also the morphogenesis due to growth with spatial constraints is a fascinating topic.
Journal Publications:
65. P. Grönquist, P. Panchadcharam, D. Wood, A. Menges, M. Rüggeberg, F.K.Wittel: Computational design of self-shaping wood gridshell
structures, in preperation for nature Computational Materials (9/2019).
64. J.T. Burri, E. Saikia, N.F. Läubli, H. Vogler, F.K. Wittel, M. Rüggeberg, H.J. Herrmann, I. Burgert, B.J. Nelson, U. Grossniklaus: The mechanical basis for snapping of the Venus flytrap, Darwin’s ‘most wonderful plant in the world, submitted to Science Andvances (8/2019). external page biorxiv
63. T.N. Fabrice, H. Vogler, G. Munglani, C. Draeger, C. Eichenberger, D. Felekis, P. Knox, J.C. Mollet, F. Wittel, B. Nelson, H. Herrmann, U. Grossniklaus, and C. Ringli: Mechanical properties of the cell wall control cellular morphogenesis, in preparation (8/2019).
62. G. Munglani, F.K. Wittel, R. Vetter, F. Bianchi, H.J. Herrmann: Collapse of orthotropic spherical shells, Physical Review Letters 123 (2019) 058002. external page arxiv
61. P. Grönquist, D. Wood, M.M. Hassani, F.K. Wittel, A. Menges, M. Rüggeberg: Analysis of hygroscopic self-shaping wood at large-scale for curved mass timber structures, Science Advances (9/2019) eaax1311. external page open access
60. P.S. Iliev, E. Giacomazzi, F.K. Wittel, M. Mendoza, A. Haselbacher, H.J. Herrmann: Behavior of confined granular beds under cyclic thermal loading, Granular Matter (2019) 21:59. external page arxiv
59. S.O. Olaniran, B. Michen, D. Mora, F.K. Wittel, E.V. Bachtiar, I. Burgert, M. Rüggeberg,: Mechanical behavior of chemically modified Norway spruce (Picea abies L. Karst.) Part 1: Experimental mechanical studies on spruce wood after methacrylation and in-situ polymerization of styrene, Wood Science and Technology 53 (2/2019), 425-445.
58. D. Mora, S.O. Olaniran, M. Rüggeberg, I. Burgert, H.J. Herrmann, F.K. Wittel: Mechanical behavior of chemically modified Norway spruce: A generic hierarchical model for wood modifications, Wood Science and Technology 53 (2/2019), 447-467.
57. P.S. Iliev, F.K. Wittel, H.J. Herrmann: Evolution of fragment size distributions from crushing of granular materials, Physical Review E 99 (2019), 012904. external page arxiv
56. G. Rusenova, F.K. Wittel, P. Aejmelaeus-Lindström, F. Gramazio, M. Kohler: Load-Bearing Capacity and Deformation of Jammed Architectural Structures, 3D Printing and Additive Manufacturing 5 (4/2018), 256-267. external page Access
55. P. Grönquist, F.K. Wittel, M. Rüggeberg: Modeling and Design of Thin Bending Wooden Bilayers, PLoS ONE 13 (10/2018), e0205607. external page OpenAccess
54. P.S. Iliev, F.K. Wittel, H.J. Herrmann: Discrete element modeling of free-standing wire-reinforced jammed granular columns, Computational Particle Mechanics 5 (4/2018), 507-516. external page RG.
53. K. Flouris, M. Mendoza, G. Munglani, F.K. Wittel, J.-D. Debus, H.J. Herrmann: Fluid Structure interaction with curved space lattice Boltzmann, in Computers & Fluids 168 (2018), 32-45. external page arxiv
52. F. Bianchi, F.K. Wittel, M. Thielmann, P.Trtik, H.J. Herrmann: Tomographic Study of Internal Erosion of Particle Flows in Porous Media. Transport in Porous Media 122 (1/2018), 169-184; DOI:10.1007/s11242-017-0996-8 external page arxiv
51. C. Hu, G. Munglani, H. Vogler, F.K. Wittel, C. Eichenberger, U. Grossniklaus, B.K. Nelson, H.J. Herrmann: Characterization of size-dependent mechanical properties of tip-growing cells using a lab-on-chip device, Lab on a Chip 17 (2017), 82-90. external page Access
50. L.K. Mettler, F.K. Wittel, R.J. Flatt, H.J. Herrmann: Evolution of Strength and Failure of SCC During Early Hydration, Cement and Concrete Research 89 (2016), 288–296. external page arxiv
49. K. Melnikov, F.K. Wittel, H.J. Herrmann: Micro-mechanical Failure Analysis of Wet Granular Matter, Acta Geotechnica 11 (3/2016), 539-548. external page arxiv
48. M. Fauconneau, F.K. Wittel, H.J. Herrmann: Continuous Fiber Reinforcement for Jammed Granular Architecture, Granular Matter (2016), 18:27. external page arxiv
47. M. M. Hassani, F.K. Wittel, S. Ammann, P. Niemz, H.J. Herrmann: Moisture Induced Damage Evolution in Laminated Beech, Wood Science and Technology 50 (5/2016), 917-940. external page arxiv
46. A. Leonardi, F.K. Wittel, M. Mendoza, R. Vetter, H.J. Herrmann: Particle-fluid-structure interaction for debris-flow impact on flexible barriers, Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering 31 (5/2016), 323–333. external page arxiv
45. R. Vetter, F.K. Wittel, H.J. Herrmann: Packing of elastic wire in flexible shells, European Physics Letters 112 (2015), 44003.external page arxiv
44. R.K. Mishra, D. Geissbühler, H. Carmona, F.K. Wittel, M.L. Sawley, M. Weibel, E. Gallucci, H. J. Herrmann, H. Heinz, R. J. Flatt: En route to a multi-model scheme for clinker comminution with chemical grinding aids, Advances in Applied Ceramics (AAC) 114 (2015), 393-401. external page arxiv
43. G. Munglani, R. Vetter, F.K. Wittel, H.J. Herrmann: Orthotropic Rotation-free Thin Shell Elements , Computational Mechanics 56 (2015), 785-793. external page arxiv
42. K. Melnikov, R. Mani, F.K. Wittel, M. Thielmann, H.J. Herrmann: Grain Scale Modeling of Arbitrary Fluid Saturation in Random Packings, Physical Review E 92 (2015), 022206. external page arxiv
41. A. Leonardi, M. Cabrera, F.K. Wittel, R. Kaitna, M. Mendoza, W. Wu, H.J. Herrmann: Granular front formation in free-surface flow of concentrated suspensions, Physical Review E 92 (2015), 052204. external page arxiv
40. M.M. Hassani, F.K. Wittel, S. Hering, H.J. Herrmann: Rheological Model for wood. Computational Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 283 (2015), 1032–1060. external page arxiv
39. H.A. Carmona, A.V. Guimaraes, J.S. Andrade Jr., I. Nikolakopoulos, F.K. Wittel, H.J. Herrmann: Fragmentation process in two-phase materials, Physical Review E 91 (2015), 012402. external page arxiv, external page PRE Kaleidoscope 1/2015
38. H.A. Carmona, F.K. Wittel, F. Kun: From fracture to fragmentation with discrete element modeling: Mesoscopic approach to the breaking of heterogeneous materials, Eur. Phys. J. Special Topics, 223 (11/2014), 2369-2382. external page arxiv
37. A. Leonardi, F.K. Wittel, M. Mendoza, H.J. Herrmann: Coupled DEM-LBM method for the free-surface simulation of heterogeneous suspensions, Computational Particle Mechanics 1 (1/2014), 3-13. external page arxiv
36. R. Vetter, F.K. Wittel, H.J. Herrmann: Morphogenesis of filaments growing in flexible confinements. Nature Communications 5 (2014), 4437. preprint; external page arxiv
35. R. Vetter, N. Stoop, F.K. Wittel, H.J. Herrmann: Simulating Thin Sheets: Buckling, Wrinkling, Folding and Growth, Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS) 487 (2014), 012012 external page JPCS
34. A.N. Ebrahimi, F.K. Wittel, N.A.M. Araujo, H.J. Herrmann: A multi-scale approach to invasion percolation of fracture networks. Journal of Hydrology 519 (2014), 353-363. external page arxiv; preprint
33. C. Lanvermann, P. Hass, F.K. Wittel, P. Niemz: Mechanical Properties of Norway Spruce. Intra-Ring Variation and generic behavior of earlywood and latewood until failure, BioResources 9 (1/2014), 105-119. external page arxiv
32. C. Lanvermann, F.K. Wittel, P. Niemz: Full-field moisture induced deformation in Norway spruce: Intra-ring variation of transverse swelling, European Journal of Wood and Wood Products 72 (2014), 43-52. external page arxiv
31. D. Derome, A. Rafsanjani, S. Hering, M. Dressler, A. Patera, C. Lanvermann, M. Sedighi Gilani, F. Wittel, P. Niemz, J. Carmeliet: The role of water in the behavior of wood, Journal of Building Physics 36 (4/2013), 398-421. external page arxiv
30. P. Hass, F.K. Wittel, P. Niemz, H.J. Herrmann: Generic failure mechanisms in adhesive bonds, Holzforschung 67 (2/2013), 207-215. external page arxiv
29. R. Vetter, F.K. Wittel, N. Stoop, H.J. Herrmann: Finite element simulation of dense wire packings, European Journal of Mechanics - A/Solids 37 (2013), 160-171. external page arxiv
28. R. Vetter, N. Stoop, T. Jenni, F.K. Wittel, H.J. Herrmann: Subdivision Shell Elements with Anisotropic Growth, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 95 (2013), 791-810. external page arxiv
27. J. Najafi, N. Stoop, F. Wittel, M. Habibi: Ordered packing of elastic wires in a sphere, Physical Review E 85 (2012), 061108. ; external page arxiv
26. P. Hass, M. Mendoza, F.K. Wittel, P. Niemz, H.J. Herrmann: Inverse determination of effective mechanical properties of adhesive bondlines, European Journal of Wood and Wood Products 70 (2012), 785–790. external page arxiv
25. A. Rafsanjani, D. Derome, F.K. Wittel, J. Carmeliet: Computational up-scaling of anisotropic swelling and mechanical behavior of hierarchical cellular materials, Composites Science and Technology 72 (6/2012), 744-751. external page arxiv
24. S.J. Wettstein, F.K. Wittel, N.A.M. Araujo, B. Lanyon, H.J. Herrmann: From invasion percolation to flow in rock fracture networks, Physica A 391 (2012), 264-277. external page arxiv.
23. E. Masoero, F.K. Wittel, H.J. Herrmann, B.M. Chiaia: Hierarchical structures for a robustness-oriented capacity design. ASCE's Journal of Engineering Mechanics 138 (11/2012), 1339-1347. external page arxiv
22. M. Mendoza, P. Hass, F.K. Wittel, P. Niemz, H.J. Herrmann: Adhesive Penetration of Hard Wood. A Generic Penetration Model, Wood Science and Technology, 46 (1-3/2012), 529-549. external page arxiv
21. P. Hass, F.K. Wittel, M. Mendoza, H.J. Herrmann, P. Niemz: Adhesive penetration in Beech wood. Experiments, (2012) Wood Science and Technology, 46 (1-3/2012), 243-256. external page arxiv
20. J. Bisschop, F.K. Wittel: Contraction Gradient Induced Microcracking in Hardened Cement Paste, in Cement and Concrete Composites 33 (4/2011), 466-473. external page arxiv
19. N. Stoop, J. Najafi, F. K. Wittel, M. Habibi, and H. J. Herrmann: Packing of Elastic Wires in Spherical Cavities, Physical Review Letters 106 (2011), 214102 external page arxiv
18. F.K. Wittel: Fragmentation of Spheres in Ultrasound Assisted Impact Comminution, Granular Matter 12 (4/2010), 447-455. external page arxiv
17. P. Hass, F.K. Wittel, S. A. McDonald, F. Marone, M. Stampanoni, H.J. Herrmann, and P. Niemz: Pore space analysis of beech wood: The vessel network, Holzforschung 64 (2010), 639-644. external page arxiv
16. N. Stoop, F.K. Wittel, and H.J. Herrmann: Self-contact and instabilities in anisotropic growth of soft tissue, Physical Review Letters 105 (2010), 068101. external page arxiv
15. C.L.N. Oliveira, F.K. Wittel, J.S. Andrade JR., and H.J. Herrmann: Invasion percolation with hardening interface under gravity, International Journal of Modern Physics C 21 (7/2010), 903-914. external page arxiv
14. E. Masoero, F.K. Wittel, H.J. Herrmann, and B.M. Chiaia: Progressive Collapse Mechanisms of Brittle and Ductile Framed Structures, ASCE's Journal of Engineering Mechanics 136 (8/2010), 987-995. external page arxiv
13. M. Mendoza, F. K. Wittel, and H. J. Herrmann: Simulation of Flow of Mixtures Through Anisotropic Porous Media using a Lattice Boltzmann Model, European Physics Journal E 032 (2010), 339-348. external page arxiv
12. F.K. Wittel, H.A. Carmona, F. Kun, H.J. Herrmann: Mechanisms in Impact fragmentation, International Journal of Fracture 154 (1-2/2009), 105-117. external page arxiv
11. T. Wallmersperger, F.K. Wittel, M. D'Ottavio, B. Kröplin: Multiscale Modeling of Polymer Gels - Chemo-Electric Model versus Discrete Element Model, Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures 15 (3-4/2008), 228-234. external page arxiv
10. H.A. Carmona, F.K. Wittel, F. Kun, H.J. Herrmann: Fragmentation processes in impact of spheres, Physical Review E 77 (2008), 051302. external page arxiv
9. N. Stoop, F.K. Wittel, H.J. Herrmann: Morphological Phases of Crumpled Wire, Physical Review Letters 101 (2008), 094101. open-access
8. F.K. Wittel, F. Kun, H.J. Herrmann, B.H. Kröplin: Study on the fragmentation of shells, International Journal of Fracture 140 (2006), 243-254. external page arxiv
7. F. Kun, F.K. Wittel, H.J. Herrmann, B.H. Kröplin, K.M. Malöy: Scaling behavior of fragment shapes, Physical Review Letters 96 (2006), 025504. external page arxiv
6. F.K. Wittel, F. Kun, H.J. Herrmann, B.H. Kröplin: Breakup of shells under explosion and impact, in Physical Review E 71 (2005), 016108. external page arxiv
5. F.K. Wittel, F. Kun, H.J. Herrmann, B.H. Kröplin: Fragmentation of shells, Physical Review Letters, Vol. 93 (3/2004), 035504. external page arxiv
4. F.K. Wittel, G. Dill-Langer, B.H. Kröplin: Modeling of Damage Evolution in Soft-Wood Perpendicular to Grain by means of a Discrete Element Approach, Computational Materials Science 32 (3-4/2004), 594-603. external page arxiv
3. H.M. Deuschle, F.K. Wittel, H. Gerhard, G. Busse, B.H. Kröplin: Investigation of progressive failure in composites by combined simulated and experimental photoelasticity, Computational Materials Science 38 (2006), 1-8. external page arxiv
2. F.K. Wittel, J. Schulte-Fischedick, F. Kun, M. Frieß, B.H. Kröplin, B.H.: Discrete Element Simulation of Transverse Cracking During the Pyrolysis of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Plastics to Carbon/Carbon Composites, Computational Materials Science 28 (2003), 1-15. external page arxiv
1. F. K. Wittel, F. Kun, B.H. Kroeplin, H.J. Herrmann: A study of transverse ply cracking using a discrete element method, Computational Materials Science 28 (2003), 608-619. external page arxiv
Theses / Books / Book chapters:
8. F.K. Wittel, R. Mani, K. Melnikov, F. Bianchi, and H.J. Herrmann: Capillary interaction in wet granular assemblies: Part 2 in S. Antonyuk (Edt.): Particles in Contact - Micro Mechanics, Micro Process Dynamics and Particle Collective, Springer 2019, 277-310. Download Preprint (PDF, 776 KB)
7. N. Araujo, M. Mendoza Jimenez, F.K. Wittel (Eds.): Dynamic Systems: From Statistical Mechanics to Engineering Applications, The European Physics Journal Special Topics 223 (11/2014). external page EPJST issue
6. A. Leonardi, F.K. Wittel, M. Mendoza, H.J. Herrmann: Lattice-Boltzmann Method for Geophysical Plastic Flows, in W. Wu, R.I. Borja (Edts.) Recent advances in modelling landslides and debris flow, Springer Series in Geomechanics and Geoengineering (2014), ISBN 978-3-319-11052-3, pp. 131-140. external page arxiv
5. F.K. Wittel: Diskrete Elemente - Modelle zur Bestimmung der Festigkeitsevolution in Verbundwerkstoffen, Dissertation Universität Stuttgart (2006), ISBN 3-930683-59-8.
4. G. Busse, B.-H. Kröplin, F.K. Wittel (Edts.): Damage and its Evolution in Fiber Composite Materials: Simulation and Non-Destructive Evaluation, ISD, Stuttgart (2006), ISBN 3930683903. external page libri.de
3. F. Wittel: Wissensmanagement im Internationalisierungsprozess, Lehrstuhl für Organisation und Planung, FernUniversität - Gesamthochschule Hagen (2002).
2. F. Wittel: Evaluation of Mixed Mode Delamination Toughness, Diplomarbeit, Institut für Statik und Dynamik der Luft- und Raumfahrtkonstruktionen, Universität Stuttgart (1999).
1. F. Wittel: Identifikation orbitaler Seilstrukturen mittels neuronaler Netze am Beispiel eines Ausspulvorganges, Studienarbeit, Institut für Raumfahrtsysteme, Universität Stuttgart (1998).
Datasets with CC:
2. F. Wittel: (2019), “Wood modification simulation results”, external page Mendeley Data, v1; http://dx.doi.org/10.17632/j2wb76ys8c.1
1. F. Bianchi, F.K. Wittel, M. Thielmann, P.Trtik, H.J. Herrmann: Tomographic Study of Internal Erosion of Particle Flows in Porous Media. Transport in Porous Media 122 (1/2018), 169-184; DOI:10.1007/s11242-017-0996-8. external page Tomographic data.
34. A. Leonardi, M. Cabrera, F.K. Wittel, R. Kaitna, M. Mendoza, W. Wu, H.J. Herrmann: The formation of granular fronts in debris flow - A combined experimental-numerical study, Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 17, EGU2015-14790, 2015.
33. C. Lanvermann, S. Sanabria, F.K. Wittel, P. Niemz, U. Schmitt: Structure-property relationships - A study on the growth ring scale of Norway spruche, Forestry and Wood Technology, Annals of Warsaw University of Life Sciences, For. and Wood Technol. 83 2013, 185-190.
32. A. Leonardi, F.K. Wittel, M. Mendoza and H.J. Herrmann: Multiphase debris flow simulations with the Discrete Element Method coupled with a Lattice-Boltzmann fluid. In M. Bischoff, E. Ramm, M. Onate, R. Owen, P. Wriggers (Edts) Proceeding of the IIIrd Int. Conf. Particle Methods Particles 2013 in Stuttgart, 276-287.
31. P. Hass, F.K. Wittel, P. Niemz: Failure Mechanism in Adhesive Bonds, Workshop on Micro-characterisation of wood materials and properties, Edinburgh, UK, 24.-26.10.2012
30. F.K. Wittel, M. Mendoza, P. Hass, P. Niemz, H.J. Herrmann: Vorhersage der Klebstoffpenetration in Laubhölzer, Proceedings Bayern Innovativ Kooperationsforum Kleben von Holz und Holzwerkstoffen, 19.-20. Juni 2012 Würzburg, invited talk.
29. F.K. Wittel, P. Hass, M. Mendoza, P. Niemz, H.J. Herrmann: Verklebung von Laubhölzern: Eindringen von Klebstoffen in Buche, Bulletin Holzforschung Schweiz der SAH (2010/2), 1-4 Download artikel (PDF, 601 KB)
28. F.K. Wittel, H.J. Herrmann: Simulation of Failure Processes in Softwood, WE-Heraeus Workshop: Biomedical Modeling and Visualizatiuon: Hierarchical Materials and Multiscale-Modeling in Biology, Aug. 19-20, 2010, Jacobs University Bremen, invited lecture.
27. F.K. Wittel, M. Mendoza, M. Fuhr, F. Gaignat, und H.J. Herrmann: Die Mikroskala von Holz: Numerische Werkstoffforschung jenseits des Kontinuums, Statusseminar der Schweizerischen Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Holzforschung, 28 April, Böttstein, Schweiz (2010) 1 page.
26. F. Gaignat, F.K.Wittel, and H.J. Herrmann: Micro-Mechanical Modeling of Swelling in Wood,IV European Conference on Computational Mechanics (ECCM 2010) Paris, France, May 16-21, (2010) 2 pages.
25. F. K. Wittel and H. J. Herrmann: Micro-Mechanical Modeling of Failure Processes in Wood,
IV European Conference on Computational Mechanics (ECCM 2010) Paris, France, May 16-21, (2010) 2 pages, keynote.
24. F. K. Wittel, K. Kovacs, and H. J. Herrmann: Simulation of Dynamic Crack Propagation in Heterogeneous Media, European Conference on Fracture ECF18, August 30 to September 03 Dresden, Germany (2010) 8 pages.
22. S. Wettstein, F.K. Wittel, and H.J. Herrmann: Invasion Percolation on Fracture Networks. 20th Alert Workshop Aussois (2009).
21. F.K. Wittel: Evaluation of Tomography Data - Segmentation. proceedings of Advanced Radiography Methods in Wood Research, PSI Villingen 16.-20. November (2009).
20. F.K. Wittel, H.J. Herrmann: Mechanisms of Fragmentation in Ultrasound Assisted Impact Comminution, in E. Onate and D.R.J. Owen (Edts.). Particle-Based Methods: Fundamentals and Applications. CIMNE, Barcelona (2009) 122-125.
19. E. Masoero, F.K. Wittel, B.M. Chiaia, and H.J. Herrmann: Parametric study of the progressive collapse of 2D framed structures, proceedings for AIMETA, Ancona, Sept. 14-17, (2009) 9 pages. arxiv
18. F.K. Wittel, H.J. Herrmann: Partikelmodelle in Bau- und Umweltwissenschaften, Leitartikel, DBaug Jahresbericht, ETHZ (2009) 10 Seiten. open-access
17. F.K. Wittel, H.J. Herrmann: Partikel Models in Civil and Environmental Engineering, lead article, Yearly Report DBaug, ETHZ, (2009) 10 pages. open-access
16. E. Masoero, F.K. Wittel, H.J. Herrmann, B.M. Chiaia: DEM Simulations of the Progressive Collapse of Framed Structures, Proceedings of the Int. Conf. Fract. 12, Canada (2009), 10 pages. arxiv
15. T. Wallmersperger, F. K. Wittel, M. D'Ottavio, B. Kröplin: Multiscale Modeling of Polymer Gels - Chemo-Electric Model versus Discrete Element Model. Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures 15(3-4), (2008), p. 228-234.
14. M. D'Ottavio, F.K. Wittel, B.H. Kröplin: An Open Toolbox for Damage Simulation, 11 pages. external page NDT.net 12 (12/2006)
13. F.K. Wittel, F. Kun, H.J. Herrmann: Damage Simulation of High Performance Fiber Reinforced Concrete, NDT.net 12 (12/2006) 11 pages.external page NDT.net 12 (12/2006)
12. H.J. Herrmann, F.K. Wittel, F. Kun: Fragmentation, in proceedings LAWNP05, Physica A 371, 59-66 (2006).
11. Wallmersperger, T.; Wittel, F.K.; Kröplin, B.H.: Modeling of Polyelectrolyte Gels: A Discrete Element Approach, Proceedings of WCCM VII (2006), 1292.
10. Wallmersperger, T.; Wittel, F.K.; Kröplin, B.H.: Multiscale modeling of polyelectrolyte gels, in Proc. SPIE 6168, Smart Structures and Materials (2006): Bar-Cohen, Y. (Edt.): Electroactive Polymer Actuators and Devices (EAPAD). vol. 6168, 61681H, San Diego (USA), 2006.
9. M. D'Ottavio, F.K. Wittel, J. Reiser: Mechanism Based Toolbox: Prototypical Implementation of Tools, in Busse, G.; Kröplin, B.-H.; Wittel, F.K.: Damage and its Evolution in Fiber Composite Materials: Simulation and Non-Destructive Evaluation, ISD, Stuttgart (2006), p.481-518.external page libri.de
8. F.K.Wittel, M. D'Ottavio: An Open Toolbox for Damage simulation, in Busse, G.; Kröplin, B.-H.; Wittel, F.K.: Damage and its Evolution in Fiber Composite Materials: Simulation and Non-Destructive Evaluation, ISD, Stuttgart (2006), p.475-480.external page libri.de
7. F.K.Wittel, F. Kun, H.J. Herrmann: Particle models: simulation of damage and fracture in composites using a discrete element approach, in Busse, G.; Kröplin, B.-H.; Wittel, F.K.: Damage and its Evolution in Fiber Composite Materials: Simulation and Non-Destructive Evaluation, ISD, Stuttgart (2006), p.425-442. external page libri.de
6. F.K. Wittel, F. Kun, H.J. Herrmann, B.H. Kröplin: Fragmentation on Shell-Like Systems, Proc. of the 4th European Conference on Space Debris (ESA SP-587) 18-20 April (2005), Darmstadt, Germany. Editor: D. Dansey. p 255 ff.
4. H.M. Deuschle, Falk K. Wittel, Bernd-H. Kröplin: Simulation von Spannungoptik im Rahmen der FEM, Tagungsband der 17. deutschsprachigen ABAQUS-Benutzerkonferenz, Nürnberg (2005), Kapitel 2.16.
3. F.K. Wittel, R.C. Hidalgo: Charakterisierung der Schädigungsrelevanz mittels skalenübergreifender Beschreibung der Festigkeitsevolution, Ergebnisbericht SFB381 Projekt C7, Charakterisierung des Schädigungsverlaufes in Faserverbundwerkstoffen mittels zerstörungsfreier Prüfung (2003), S.267-296.
2. F. Kun, F. Wittel: Charakterisierung der Schädigungsrelevanz mittels skalenübergreifender Beschreibung der Festigkeitsevolution, Ergebnisbericht SFB381 Projekt C7, Charakterisierung des Schädigungsverlaufes in Faserverbundwerkstoffen mittels zerstörungsfreier Prüfung (1999), S.343-372.
1. F. Wittel, F. Zimmermann, S. Brückner: Identification of Tether Dynamics by means of Neural Networks during a Deployment Procedure, in Proceedings of the 4th Int. Workshop on Neural Networks in Application, (1999) S. 157-166.
Supervised Theses:
76. F. Arbez-Gindre: Implementation of a Co-Simulation Engine for Particle Simulations. Master Project (5/2019).
75. M. Gao: Numerische Bestimmung des nicht-linearen Verhaltens von Fichtenholz. Master Project (5/2019).
74. L. Angst: Design and analysis of 4D wood structures. Bachelor Thesis (5/2019).
73. C. Stocker: Micro-mechanical characterization of delignified wood. Bachelor Thesis (5/2019).
72. M. Zahler: Numerical study of a building prototype made of fibre reinforced granular material. Master Project (12/2018).
71. S. Guldimann: Soil Model Parameter Identification by means of Artificial Neural Networks. Master Project (5/2018).
70. J. Hersche, P. Panchadcharam, A. Hageli, L. Schnell: Entwurf und Analyse von 4D Holzstrukturen. Bachelor Thesis (5/2018).
69. L. Shanmugaratnam, C. Fazun: Quantifizierung der Grösseneffekte in Bambus. Bachelor Thesis (5/2018)
68. F. Spälti, M. Colombo, G. Jacot-Descombes: Mechanik der Holzverdichtung. Bachelor Thesis (5/2018).
67. Y. Zhao: Particle Model Parameter Identification by means of Artificial Neural Networks. Master Project (5/2018).
66. L. Meier: Constitutive modelling of Jammed Architectural Structure. Master Project (5/2018).
65. E. Giacomazzi: Stress build-up due to Granular Ratcheting under Cyclic thermal loading. Master Project (5/2018).
64. C. Huber: Particle Model Parameter Identification by means of Artificial Neural Networks. Master Project (5/2018).
63. M. Ganzmann: Fragmentation models of polygonal grains under random load conditions in 2D. Master Project (5/2018).
62. D. Rubis: Stress buildup due to granular ratcheting under cyclic thermal loading. Bachelor Thesis (5/2018).
61. L. Duelli: Granulation Simulation in Avalanches. Bachelor Thesis (5/2018).
60. S. Rytz: Thermo-mechanical simulation of digital glass fabrication with open molds. Bachelor Thesis ETHZ (5/2018).
59. E. Prume: Parametrische Simulationen der Mechanosensoren der Dionea Muscipula. Master Project ETHZ (12/2017).
58. I. Odermatt: Simulation eines granularen Murgangaufpralls auf flexible Ringnetzbarrieren. Master Project ETHZ (12/2017).
57. J. Lohner: Co-Simulation of hybrid granular systems. Master Project ETHZ (5/2017).
56. P. Hilger: Granular ratcheting under cyclic thermal load. Bachelor Thesis EThZ (5/2017).
55. S. Schär: Mechanics for Fiber Reinforced Granular Matter. Bachelor Thesis ETHZ (5/2017).
54. A. Spichtig: Spannungsreduktion in Glulam durch Beschichtungen. Bachelor Thesis ETHZ (5/2017).
53. L. Blum: Optimierung hybrider Holzelemente. Master Project ETHZ (5/2017).
52. D. Friedel: Optimierung von Leichtbaustrukturen aus Polystyrolschaum. Master Project ETHZ (5/2017).
51. S. Perrey, D. Nüesch: Schell House: Optimization of light weight structures made out of foam. Bachelor Thesis ETHZ (5/2017).
50. A. Malvetti, V. Studer, J. Furrer: Eigenspannungsentwicklung bei der Verklebung von Holzbilayern. Bachelor Thesis ETHZ (5/2017).
49. S. Guldimann/D. Wirthensohn: Festigkeitsverteilung von Faserbündeln des Fichtenholzes. Bachelor Thesis ETHZ (5/2016).
48. S. Sausens: Entwicklung eines low-cost Mehrachsen DIC-Systems. Master Project ETHZ (5/2016).
47. R.S. Wegmann: Cable-Net Protection Systems: FEM-DEM Hybrid Simulation. Master Project ETHZ (5/2016).
46. L. Philipp: Optimierung hybrider Holzelemente. Master Project ETHZ (5/2016).
45. V. Bemetz: Implementation of a Wire Deployment Strategy. Master Project ETHZ (5/2016).
44. D. Konradi: Mechanische Eigenschaften von mineralisiertem Holz, Bachelor Thesis ETH Zurich (12/2015).
43. L.B.L. Naterop und R.A. Wyss: Granular Flow in Flexible Pipes, Bachelor Thesis ETH Zurich (12/2015).
42. M. Zimmermann: Mechanisches Verhalten Modifizierter Hölzer, Bachelor Thesis ETH Zurich (5/2015).
41. S. Aebersold: Frühfestigkeitsentwicklung von Faserbeton, Master Project ETH Zurich (12/2015).
40. K. Gysin: Mechanisches Verhalten von Naturfasern (Bambus), Bachelor Thesis ETH Zurich (6/2014).
39. F. Heuberger: Mechanisches Verhalten von Naturfasern (Fichte), Bachelor Thesis ETH Zurich (6/2014).
38. D. Tsirantonaki: Simulation der Klebstoffausbreitung in Klebfugen, Master Project ETH Zurich (6/2014).
37. D. Walker: Festigkeitsentwicklung von frischem Faserbeton, Bachelor Thesis ETH Zurich (6/2014).
36. L. Bodenmann: Festigkeitsentwicklung von frischem Faserbeton, Bachelor Thesis ETH Zurich (6/2014).
35. C. Boschmann: Betonabplatzungen durch Bewehrungskorrosion, Master Project ETH Zurich (12/2013).
34. P. Wagner: Mikrostrukturelle Modellierung von Beton, Bachelor Thesis ETH Zurich (6/2013).
33. M. Reutimann: Betonabplatzungen durch Bewehrungskorrosion, Bachelor Thesis ETH Zurich (6/2013).
32. I. Nikolakopoulos: Clinker Simulation, Master Thesis ETH external page e-citation Zurich(4/2013).
31. Dominic Keller: Mechanik von Fichten- und Bambusfasern: Analytische Modellierung und Mikrozugversuche, Bachelor Thesis (06/2012).
30. Thomas Sykes: 3D Simulation of dynamic failure processes., Semester Thesis (12/2011).
29. Samuel Amman: Download Ermittlung bruchmechanischer Kennwerte an Holzverklebungen bei mechanischer Belastung (PDF, 77 KB), Master Thesis (7/2011).
28. Roman Gallus: Download Schädigungsentwicklung in Fichtenholz (PDF, 99 KB), Bachelor Thesis (6/2011).
27. Dominik Sieber: Download Rissbildung durch schwinden in Betonproben (PDF, 84 KB), Bachelor Thesis (6/2011).
26. Raffael Casagrande: Download Composite Finite Element Method for Cellular Solids (PDF, 111 KB), Bachelor Thesis (6/2011).
25. Roman Vetter: Download Packing of elasto-plastic wires in three-dimensional cavities (PDF, 95 KB), Master Thesis (6/2011).
24. Salomon Wettstein: Download Modified Invasion Percolation for fracture networks (PDF, 155 KB), Master thesis (3/2011).
23. Samuel Peters: Download Progressive Collapse Mechanisms: Investigation on different 3D-Structures under Earthquake Loads (PDF, 134 KB), Projektarbeit im Masterstudium (12/2010).
22. Mario Hasler, Ueli von Rotz: Download Modellierung der Wärmeausdehnung von Mörtel (PDF, 183 KB), Bacherlorarbeit (12/2010).
21. Silvan Birbaum: Download Feuchteentwicklung in ungeschützten massiven Holzbauteilen (PDF, 126 KB), Projektarbeit (6/2010).
20. Thomas Jenni: Download Extensions and Benchmark Tests of a Finite Element Solver based on Loop Subdivision Elements (PDF, 115 KB), Semester Thesis (6/2010).
19. Viktor Lienhard: Download Kinetic Friction in a Spherical Confined Thin Shell Growth Model (PDF, 39 KB), Master Thesis (6/2010).
18. Thomas Jenni: Download Implementation of an Adaptive Mesh Refinement Scheme for Thin-Schell Finite-Element Analysis based on Loop Subdivision Surfaces (PDF, 56 KB), Semester Thesis (3/2010).
17. Viktor Lienhard: Download Improvement of Contact-Evaluation in Thin-Shell Finite Element Analysis (PDF, 101 KB), Semester Thesis (3/2010).
16. Salomon Wettstein: Download Simulation Flow in Fracture Networks (PDF, 160 KB), Semester Thesis (3/2010).
15. Salomon Wettstein: Download Invasion Percolation on Fracture Networks (PDF, 121 KB), Bachelor Thesis (6/2009).
14. René Ringli: Download Nichtlineare Berechnung von Isolierglas unter der Berücksichtigung des Randverbundes, (PDF, 82 KB)Bachelor Thesis (6/2009).
13. Surya Kusuma: Download Behavioral Study of Crumpled Wire in Three Dimensions, (PDF, 137 KB) Master Project Work(6/2009).
12. Samuel J. Peter:Download Digitale Bildkorrelation für komplexe Dehnungsmuster in Zementstein durch Schwinden (PDF, 352 KB) Bachelor Thesis(6/2008).
11. Matthias Fuhr: Download Simulation of the Charpy Test by means of Hybrid FE-DE Simulations (PDF, 81 KB) Master Thesis (6/2008).
10. Matthias Fuhr: Download Bruchuntersuchung mit hybriden FE-DE Simulationen (PDF, 51 KB) Projektarbeit im Masterstudium (12/2007).
9. Simon Zweidler: Download Hybride FE-DE Simulation: Eintwicklung eines objektorientierten Finite-Elemente- (PDF, 36 KB)Download Programms (PDF, 36 KB)Bachelorarbeit (06/2007).
8. Jens Reiser: Download Einheitszellen-Toolbox zur Bestimmung der Festigkeitsevolution in Kompositen (PDF, 99 KB) Diplomarbeit (05/2006).
7. Julien Sartorius: Download Discrete / Finite Element Modelling of Failure in Fiber Composites (PDF, 87 KB) Master Thesis (06/2005).
6. Riccardo Mazzolini: Download Implementation of Degradation Models for Fibre Reinforced Composites (PDF, 116 KB) Diplomarbeit (02/2005).
5. Bernd Freimann: Download Dynamische Rißfortschrittsmodellierung mittels Diskrete Elemente Simulation (PDF, 181 KB) Studienarbeit (04/2004).
4. Paul Rudolph: Download Simulation des Schädigungsverlaufs in Holz (PDF, 337 KB) Studienarbeit (04/2004).
3. Matthias Deuschle: Download Vergleichende numerische und spannungsoptische Untersuchung des fortschreitenden Versagens faserverstärkter Polycarbonat-Modellproben (PDF, 64 KB)(10/2003).
2. Andreas Herrig: Download Identifikation elastischer Kennwerte von Faserverbundwerkstoffen mittels Modalanalyse (PDF, 105 KB) Studienarbeit (06/2003).
1. Alexander Sohn: Download Vergleich verschiedener Auswertemethoden für den ENF-Versuch (PDF, 36 KB) Studien0arbeit (8/2000).
Recent and Upcoming Conference and Workshop Contributions:
2019-4: F.K. Wittel, P.S. Iliev, H.J. Herrmann: Confined comminution of aggregated particles, Particles 2019, Barcelona, Spain (invited session on Fracture and Fragmentation with DEM).
2019-3: P. Grönqist, D. Wood, F.K. Wittel, M. Rüggeberg: Optimization studies of self-shaping mechanisms for achieving double-curved wooden structures, CompWood 2019 June 17-19, Växjö, Sweden.
2019-2: F.K. Wittel, L. Blum, P. Niemz: Numerical Optimization of Glued Laminated Timber with Mixed Species, CompWood 2019 June 17-19, Växjö, Sweden (keynote lecture).
2019-1: F.K. Wittel, P.S. Ilive: Consolidation of Polyhedral Packings due to Grain Fragmentation, CFRAC 2019, June 12-14, Braunschweig (Minisymposium on Discrete models for material failure - MS code: 69 Organized by F. Kun, F. Wittel).
2018-3: P.S. Iliev, F.K. Wittel, H.J. Herrmann: DEM for free-standing Wire Reinforced Jammed Granular Columns, China-Europe Conference on Geotechnical Engineering, 13.-16. August 2018, Vienna, Austria.
2018-2: P. Grönquist, F. Wittel, M. Rüggeberg: Mechanical Analysis of Wooded Bilayer Structures and Novel Application Possibilites in Timber Industry, ASCE Engineering Mechanics Institute Conference 2018, May 29 – June 1 MIT Boston.
2018-1: F.K. Wittel; P. Grönquist, M. Rüggebert, H.J. Herrmann: A quantitative study on residual stresses in wood induced by aqueous adhesives, ECMM-ECFD2018 June 11-15 Glasgow
2017-8: P. Grönquist; F.K. Wittel; M. Rüggeberg: Upscaling of Self-actuated Wooden Bilayers, oral poresentation at GACM Colloquium on Computational Mechanics, 2017, October 11-13 Stuttgart.
2017-7: P.S. Iliev, F.K. Wittel, H.J. Herrmann: Numerical modelling of fiber reinforced jammed granular columns, Particles 2017 September 26-29, Hannover, Germany.
2017-6: F.K. Wittel; H. Carmona; H.J. Herrmann: DEM Study on the Role of Thermal Mismatch in Multi-phase Particle Fragmentation, Particles 2017 September 26-29, Hannover, Germany.
2017-5: G. Grönquist, M. Rüggeberg; F.K. Wittel: Predicting the Actuation of Large-Scale Smart Wooden Bilayer Systems, 3rd Euro Intelligent Materials 2017 8.6.17 Kiel.
2017-4: M. Rüggeberg; C. Vailati; P. Grönquist; F.K. Wittel: Smart wooden actuators, , 3rd Euro Intelligent Materials 2017 8.6.17 Kiel.
2017-3: F.K. Wittel, K. Melnikov: Failure in Wet granular matter, High-performace multiscale modelling IV, May 30th, Zurich, Switzerland.
2017-2: F.K. Wittel, D. Mora Mendez, H.J. Herrmann: Micro-mechanical mulit-scale models for modified wood, CompWood 2017, June 7-9, Vienna, Austria.
2017-1: S.O. Olaniran, B. Michen, I. Burgert, D. Mora Méndez, F.K. Wittel, M. Rüggeberg: Investigating the micromechanical properties of chemically modified wood of Norway Spruce, oral presentation at IUFRO 2017, Jun3 12-16, Vancouver, BC.
2015-8: K. Melnikov, F.K. Wittel, M. Thielmann, H.J. Herrmann: Micromechanical Model of Wet Granular Material, oral presentation at Particles 2015 - MUMOLADE session, September 28-30 Barcelona, Spain.
2015-7: A. Leonardi, F.K. Wittel, R. Vetter, M. Mendoza, H.J. Herrmann: A fluid-particle model for the impact of debris flow on flexible barriers, oral presentation at Particles 2015 - MUMOLADE session, September 28-30 Barcelona, Spain.
2015-6: K. Melnikov, R. Mani, F.K. Wittel, M. Thielmann, H.J. Herrmann: Pore Scale Model of Two-Phase Flow in Porous Media, poster presentation by K. Melnikov at the 7th International Conference on Porous Media, May 18 - 21, 2015, Padova, Italy.
2015-5: A. Leonardi, M. Cabrera, F.K. Wittel, R. Kaitna, M. Mendoza, W. Wu, H.J. Herrmann: The formation of granular fronts in debris flow - A combined experimental-numerical study, oral presentation by A. Leonardi at European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2015, April 12–17, Vienna, Austria.
2015-4: L.K. Mettler, F.K. Wittel, R.J. Flatt, H.J. Herrmann: Evolution of Strength and Failure of Polymer Fiber Reinforced SCC During Early Hydration, Concreep10, September 21-23, Vienna, Austria.
2015-3: F.K. Wittel, M.M. Hassani, M. Rüggeberg: Smart by nature – New perspectives on wood, DeMEASS VII 2015, October 4-7, Dresden. Download abstract (PDF, 231 KB)
2015-2: F.K. Wittel: Plenary lecture at Particles 2015, September 28-30 Barcelona, Spain. Download abstract (PDF, 11 KB)
2015-1: F.K. Wittel, F. Kun: Organization of Invited Session on "Fracture and Fragmentation with DEM" at Particles 2015, September 28-30 Barcelona, Spain. external page website
2014-9: F.K. Wittel, M. Hassani: Modellierung der Verklebung von Holzverbindungen, Montagskolloquien für die Praxis, 24.11.2014, Zurich.
2014-8: R.Vetter, N. Stoop, F.K. Wittel, H.J. Herrmann, G.Munglani: Download Anisotropic growth of thin shells with subdivision elements (PDF, 284 KB), poster at 11th. World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM XI), July 20 - 25, 2014, Barcelona, Spain.
2014-7: M.M. Hassani, F.K. Wittel, H.J. Herrmann: Prediction of delamination and fracture in adhesive bondlines, International Conference on Wood Science and Engineering September 26-27, 2014, London.
2014-6: F.K. Wittel, M.M. Hassani, M. Rüggeberg: Smart as wood – New perspectives on a natural smart material, “Smart functional materials for shaping our future”, 19.-20.9.2014 Debrecen, Hungary.
2014-5: K. Melnikov, R. Mani, F.K. Wittel, H.J. Herrmann: Granular Matter at High Water Saturation Levels, Alert Workshop 29.9.-1.10.201 Aussois, France, Session 3.
2014-4: M. Hassani, S. Ammann, F.K. Wittel (presenting), H.J. Herrmann, P. Niemz (PI): Reliable Timber and Innovative Wood Products for Structures: Adhesive Bonding of Structural Hardwood Elements. NRP Recource Wood Progress Report Meeting 9.-11.4.2014 Loewenberg, Murten/Morat
2014-3: F.K. Wittel: Particle models for fracture and non-linear mechanics, invited lecture at CSC course on Advanced topics in Particle Based Methods 23.-24.4.2014, Espoo, Finland.
2014-2: joint talk by R. Flatt at: R.K. Mishra, H. Heinz, F. Wittel, H. Herrmann, H. Carmona, M. Sawley, D. Geissbühler, M. Weibel, E. Gallucci, R.J. Flatt: Multi-modelling approach to study the effectiveness of grinding aids, at Cement division meeting of the American Ceramic Society (ACerS)-CD-5.
2014-1: Organization of Hans J. Herrmann's 60th Anniversary International Conference on Dynamic Systems: From Statistical Mechanics to Engineering Applications, January 9-10 2013, Zurich, Switzerland.
2013-14: Leonardi A., Wittel F.K., Mendoza M., Herrmann H.J.: Numerical simulation of debris flows using a discrete element method coupled with a Lattice-Boltzmann fluid, poster presentation, Workshop on Hybrid Particle-Continuum Methods in Computational Materials Physics, 4-7 March 2013, Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany.
2013-13: Amman S., Hassani M., Wittel F.K., Herrmann H.J., Niemz: Adhesive bonding of structural hardwood elements, poster contribution, Measurement methods and Modelling approaches for predicting desirable future Wood properties, International IUFRO Conference MeMoWood, Octover 1-4 2013, Nancy, France.
2013-12: Hassani M.M., Amman S., Wittel F.K., Niemz P., Herrmann H.J.: Investigation of delamination process in adhesively bonded hardwood elements under changing environmental condition, poster contribution, Measurement methods and Modelling approaches for predicting desirable future Wood properties, International IUFRO Conference MeMoWood, Octover 1-4 2013, Nancy, France.
2013-11: Organization of the invited session: Multiscale Modeling of Landslides and Debris flow, Particles 2013, IIIrd Int. Conf. on Particle Based Methods, September 18-20, 2013, Stuttgart.
2013-10: Lanvermann C., Sanabria S., Wittel F., Niemz P., Schmitt U.: Structure-property relationships - A study on the growth ring scale of Norway spruce, Heritage Wood: Research & Conservation in the 21st Century, October 28-30, Warsaw, Poland.
2013-9:Ammann S., Hassani M.M., Obersriebnig M., Konnerth J., Wittel F., Niemz P.: Delamination Behaviour of Adhesively Bonded Structural Hardwood Elements, International Conference on Wood Adhesives, October 9-11, 2013 Toronto, Ontario Canada.
2013-8: Leonardi A., Wittel F.W., Mendoza M., Herrmann H.J.: Discrete Element Method Combined with a Lattice-Boltzmann Fluid Model for the Simulation of Debris Flows, 24th ALERT Workshop, September 29th to October 5th 2013, Aussois.
2013-7: Leonardi A., Wittel F.W., Mendoza M., Herrmann H.J.: Multiphase debris flow simulations with the Discrete Element Method coupled with a Lattice-Boltzmann fluid, Particles 2013, IIIrd Int. Conf. on Particle Based Methods, September 18-20, 2013, Stuttgart.
2013-6: Carmona H.A., Wittel F.W., Andrade J.S., Herrmann H.J.: DEM simulation of multi-phase particle fragmentation in a granular bed, Particles 2013, IIIrd Int. Conf. on Particle Based Methods, September 18-20, 2013, Stuttgart.
2013-5: Wittel F.K., Herrmann, H.J.: Fatigue particle fragmentation by repeated impact, Particles 2013, IIIrd Int. Conf. on Particle Based Methods, September 18-20, 2013, Stuttgart.
2013-4: Wittel F.K., Hassani, M.M., Herrmann, H.J.: Holzverbund – Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der Modellierung, Montagkolloquien für die Praxis, Verklebung und Einsatz von Laubholz im Ingenieurholzbau, December 9th 2013.
2013-3: Hassani M.M., Ammann S., Wittel F.K., Niemz P., Herrmann H.J.: Investigation of delamination process in adhesively bonded hardwood elements under changing environmental condition. RILEM Conference on Materials and Joints in Timber Structures – recent Advancement of Technology, October 08 – 10, 2013, Stuttgart.
2013-2: Hassani M.M., Ammann S., Wittel F.K., Niemz P., Herrmann H.J.: Rheological Material Model for Wood. Complas XII International Conference on Computational Plasticity, September 3rd-5th, 2013, Barcelona.
2013-1: Wittel F.K., Herrmann H.J.: From Fracture to Fragmentation. Invited talk. International Workshop on Cutting Tool - Soil Interaction SFB 837 July 5th. 2013, Bochum.
Civil Engineering Bachelor:
- Materials II
- Materials (Lab) III (FEM lab)
Architecture Bachelor:
- Building Materials I (Glass)
Civil Engineering Master - Major Mechanics and Materials:
- Mechanics of Building Materials
- Science and Engineering of Glass and Natural Stone in Construction (Glass)
- Materials IV (Mulitscale Modelling)