Dr. Emanuele Rossi

Dr. Emanuele Rossi
Staff of Professorship for Durability of Engineering Materials
Project: external page CORINT (Elucidating CORrosion of iron in porous media by new quantitative multimodal IN-situ Tomography )
Emanuele joined the “Durability of Engineering Materials” research group as a PostDoc in January 2023 as part of the external page CORINT project. Under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Angst, his research is focused on the application of bimodal X-ray and Neutron tomography to understand which are the most sensitive locations at the steel-concrete interface for corrosion sites to initiate as well as to study the mechanisms of transport and precipitation of corrosion products into the concrete matrix.
With a thesis titled “3D imaging and micro-structural characterization of reinforced concrete structures naturally-deteriorated due to corrosion”, he obtained his Master’s degree in Civil Engineering (MSc) at the Technical University of Delft in 2018, where he also obtained his Ph.D. Degree in 2022 with a dissertation titled “from waste to self-healing concrete: the missing PHA-link”.
The application of Neutron and X-ray computed microtomography gives a complete overview of the internal state of reinforced mortar and concrete specimens over time. By inducing corrosion through the exposure of reinforced mortar and concrete specimens to chlorides and carbon dioxide, the corrosion initiation mechanism can be observed over time and precious information about how the corrosion develops can be acquired. Emanuele is currently working on the application of this bimodal imaging approach to elucidate the corrosion initiation and propagation mechanisms of steel reinforcement in concrete.