Guidelines for student projects in Durability of Engineering Materials

The aim of this document is to provide advice to students who conduct a project (Bachelor thesis, Master thesis or a Master semester project) in the research group Durability of Engineering Materials of Prof. Dr. Ueli Angst at D-BAUG at ETH Zurich. The document contains general information, guidelines, and helpful links.


All the theses start in the second week of the semester. Bachelor and Master semester project theses end at the end of the semester. The end dates for Master theses can be found here.

Before the thesis

To carry out a thesis in our group, you will have to have received a confirmation from the supervisor ahead of time. After this, make sure to enroll for the thesis in mystudies and the supervising professor must be specified in mystudies too. In addition, for a Master's thesis, you need to upload the title of your thesis in mystudies.

Your supervisor is responsible for organising laboratory access, software licences, or a workstation if necessary, to carry out the project.

During the thesis

Please provide your supervisor a work schedule within two weeks after the start of the project.

You will agree with your supervisor on a regular meeting schedule (ideally weekly). The objective of the meeting is to answer your questions and to check your progress.

Literature Management

Your supervisor may provide some selected literature relevant for the project. However, you are expected to look for further literature yourself. Scientific publications can be found on websites such as:

Make sure to access these websites from within the ETH network or use the ETH VPN (usage explained here). This gives you access to download full PDF files from many publishers.

Use the bibliographies and the cited by functions to find related publications.

For the organization of your references, we recommend the use of Mendeley, a free and cross-platform reference management software, or other similar solutions such as Endnote. As a handy feature, Mendeley can automatically build your BibTeX files or it is possible to use the plugin for Microsoft Word. More information on managing references can be found here.


During your project, you will have two presentations: intermediate, and final presentation.

The idea of the presentations is to present your work not only to your supervisors, but also to additional colleagues (other students working on projects and members of the research group Durability of Engineering Materials). See this as an opportunity to practice presenting skills and to receive feedback on your work.

The dates for these presentations will be fixed and communicated in the beginning of the semester. The intermediate presentation usually takes place around the middle of the semester. The final presentation will be scheduled near the end of the project or thesis.

Intermediate presentation

An intermediate presentation will take place around mid-term. The goal of the presentation is to give a brief summary of the work done, to propose a plan for the continuation of the project, and to discuss the main directions of the project.

The duration of the presentation is limited to 10 minutes (we will interrupt). The presentation is expected to consist of at least the following content: problem description, methods used, first results, challenges encountered and next steps. After the presentation, there will be a 5-10 min discussion.

Final Presentation

The final presentation will take place approx. 1-2 weeks before the end of the project. A test run is presented to and discussed with the supervisors ideally a week before the final presentation.

The duration of the final presentation is:

  • Bachelor and Master semester projects: 15 minutes presentation, 10 minutes questions / discussion
  • Master thesis: 15 minutes presentation, 15 minutes questions / discussion

For the slides, we recommend to use the ETH template.


A report has to be handed in to the responsible supervisor. The dates for handing in the final report are as follows:

A preliminary version of the report can be given to the supervisor in advance, e.g., 2-3 weeks prior to the submission dates given above for feedback. The preliminary version of the report is discussed with the supervisor, who will give recommendations on how to improve the report for the final submission.

The report has to describe the full work performed during the entire project. The report should satisfy the demands of a scientific work. Structure and language should be chosen accordingly.

The report’s ultimate goal is firstly to make the results of the work objectively traceable and repeatable, and secondly to document any new findings. It must be clear at any point in the report, which insights or findings belong to the author of the report and which facts, sources or research results are drawn from other authors. Literature and other sources used need to be properly cited.

Experiments, measurements, numerical models as well as the derived results must be described in such a way that they can be reproduced.

The following aspects and conditions should be considered and respected when writing the report.


The report can be written in German or English. We strongly recommend choosing the language in agreement with your supervisor.


The layout and formatting can be chosen by the author of the report. It should, however, be optimized for printing on DIN A4 paper. The software used for the writing and formatting is up to the author.

Structure of the report

  • Title page including: Title of the thesis/project, semester of study, type of assignment, name and email address of the author, names of all supervisors including the professor, institute, date of submission, official ETH logo)
  • Acknowledgement (if applicable: sponsors, external supervisors, assistants, ...)
  • Summary (max 1 page. Task, methodology, main results and conclusions, outlook)
  • Table of contents
  • List of abbreviations (if more than about 10 abbreviations are used)
  • Main body of the report (see below)
  • References and bibliography (see below)
  • Appendices (if needed)
  • A filled out and signed declaration of originality

Suggestion for the structure of the main part

1. Introduction

  • Introduction and problem statement
  • Objective (detailed, clear and unambiguously formulated; possibly with sub-objectives)
  • Summary of the content (description of the structure of the report: sequence of chapters, how the chapters are interrelated and what is their essential content)

2. Theoretical background or state-of-the-art review

  • Theoretical background relevant for this work
  • State of the art, previous works, literature review

3. Methods and approach

  • Equipment used (instruments, sensors, software, etc.).
  • Materials used
  • Methods used
  • Data analysis procedures used

4. Results

  • Presentation of the results in an adequate form such as graphical illustrations, plots, images or tables.
  • Description (but not yet interpretation!) of the main results in the text

5. Discussion

  • Interpretation and critical evaluation of the results
  • Generalization of exemplary results to more general cases (if applicable)
  • Placing the interpreted results into context with the state-of-the-art and other studies (establishing a connection between this study and chapter 2)
  • Placing the interpreted results into context with the problem statement (defined in the introduction)

6. Conclusions and outlook

  • Conclusions (avoid repeating too much the problem statement and method, but focus on the main results)
  • Critical evaluation of achievements and relevance under consideration of previously formulated goals
  • Recommended and required future work

7. References

  • A numbered list of all sources cited

8. Appendix

  • After consulting the supervisors: additional figures, detailed charts, short description of constructed Software codes, etc.
  • In case of group work: list of contributions of each group member of respective work and of the written report
  • The signed and completely filled-in declaration of originality (see Plagiarism) as a scanned page (compulsory)

Report submission

The submission of the report after the final presentation typically marks the end of a thesis. Please submit printed versions of the report. In general, there should be one report per involved supervisor, plus 1 copy to be archived in the Durability for Engineering Materials Research group. Ask your supervisor about the required number of printed reports.

In addition to the printed report, make sure to submit the following documents electronically:

  • Final report as PDF and LaTeX source code or the original Word file
  • Presentations as source files (e.g. PowerPoint) and as PDF
  • All files (CAD, MATLAB, code etc.) used or created during the project with a short note about the folder structure
  • All results collected, e.g. in spreadsheets, and additional documentary such as photographs and experimental data (microscopy images, SEM-EDX, etc.)


Master thesis students only

Master thesis students must hand in a poster (A0, portrait format) (printed and digitally) with the submission of the report. A poster template will be provided. The poster should be written in English.


Every student has to make himself/herself familiar with the ETH rules regarding plagiarism. We may check your report for plagiarism using specialized software.


After the final presentation and the submission of the final report, your work will be evaluated. For Bachelor, Master, and Master project semester theses the grade consists of

  • 40% Final report (including the Poster for Master thesis students)
  • 30% Final presentation
  • 30% Commitment, initiative, and comprehension during the thesis

The midterm presentation does not formally count towards the grade but may be considered as part of the commitment during the thesis.