Current projects
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Below is the list of all ongoing research projects. Our completed projects can be found here.
- chevron_right Combined neutron and X-ray computed microtomography to study the influence of steel-concrete interfacial defects on chloride-induced corrosion initiation
- chevron_right Combined neutron and X-ray computed microtomography to study the transport and precipitation of corrosion products in the cementitious matrix
- chevron_right Oxidation kinetics and diffusion behaviour of ferrous ions in cementitious media
- chevron_right New mobile underground inspection technology device for retaining walls
- chevron_right Critical chloride content: realistic determination and application in practice
- chevron_right Tribological Behavior of Electrochemically Phosphated Pearlitic Rail Steel
- chevron_right Durability Monitoring of Infrastructures
- chevron_right Flying corrosion inspection robot for infrastructures
- chevron_right Electrochemical corrosion protection of steel in soil and concrete – experimental study
- chevron_right Initiation of chloride-induced corrosion in reinforced concrete – effects related to the steel
- chevron_right Experimental and numerical study of anomalous moisture transport in cement-based materials
- chevron_right Kinetics of iron oxidation, oxygen reduction and hydrogen evolution under controlled conditions
- chevron_right Electrochemical tomography as a novel non-destructive approach for corrosion rate measurements in localized corrosion
- chevron_right Corrosion of steel in carbonated (low CO2 emission) concrete
- chevron_right Service life predictions and decision support for design and maintenance of concrete structures
- chevron_right Interaction between reinforcement corrosion and load-bearing behaviour of reinforced concrete structures
- chevron_right Corrosion of additively manufactured steel components: point-by-point wire and arc manufactured steel
- chevron_right TAMING CORROSION – Towards mastering the long-standing challenge of ageing infrastructures in corrosive environments
- chevron_right Mechanism of carbonation-induced corrosion of steel in blended cementitious materials
- chevron_right A multi-scale, multiphysics approach to corrosion-induced damage in concrete
- chevron_right Carbon sequestration in cementitious materials using living organisms
- chevron_right A pore-scale modeling of moisture transport in porous materials