Carbon sequestration in cementitious materials using living organisms

Responsible: Xiulin Chen

Funding: ALIVE-ETH's Advanced Engineering With Living Materials Initiative


Tremendous CO2 emissions caused by industrial production and human activities are leading to severe situations for society and the environment. One of the major sources of CO2 emissions is the production of cement. Concrete is one of the most used materials on the planet, indicating that concrete may potentially act as a carbon sink at large scale. However, critical modifications and fundamental understanding are needed, namely to speed up the relatively slow process of natural CO2 sequestration in concrete, and to ensure the durability of the structures in case they are still to be used.

There is already research focusing on CO2 sequestration in concrete, such as bio-concrete. Bio-concrete usually refers to self-healing concrete that is designed to repair the cracks without human interference. The mechanisms for bio-concrete self-healing are based on microbiologically induced calcite precipitation (MICP). Carbonate and bicarbonate ions are produced during metabolism activities of the living organisms. With the presence of Ca2+ in the concrete, CaCO3 precipitation takes place and will help to increase the strength and durability of concrete by healing the cracks inside or outside the concrete. However, these approaches do not always start from atmospheric CO2 and so their carbon sequestration capacity may be limited.

Aims and objectives

We aim to achieve CO2 sequestration and improve the durability of concrete with the help of living organisms such as bacteria and fungi. By understanding how living organisms can live and grow inside the concrete, and the mechanisms of CO2 sequestration by biomineralization process, we strive to enhance the carbon sequestration capacity of concrete. Characterization of the bio-hybrid concrete will provide insight into how living organisms interact with concrete and in return how the properties of concrete are affected by the incorporation of living organisms.

carbon sequestration image


Carbonic anhydrase (CA) is a group of enzymes that exist widely in nature, including bacteria and fungi, which can act as catalyzer for the transfer between CO2 and bicarbonate ions, and the rate of the reactions increase about 107 times than the natural process. Therefore, CA may potentially be used for CO2 sequestration by accelerating CaCO3 precipitation. In addition, chitin is a polymer that has high binding capacities for metal ions, which is present on the cell wall of fungi. Chitin can perform as substrate for CaCO3 crystal nucleation and growth by reducing activation energies required by nuclei formation. Therefore, fungi are promising living organisms to be incorporated in cementitious materials for CO2 sequestration. We perform a range of different experiments to study the effect of CA and Chitin related carbon sequestration processes within cementitious materials, as well as the related changes in materials properties of concrete and how these may impact durability of the materials.